
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Episode #15 Nicholas J. Johnson - Magician
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
In this episode I talk to Nicholas J Johnson who is a local magician. We go into how Nicholas first starting doing magic and the difference between live magic and magic on TV.Nicholas also demonstrated some simple card tricks during the interview which absolutely blew my mind! I was sitting right in front of him watching every move he made with only 3 playing cards and I got it wrong each time.We talk about some of the other tricks he performs at his live performances including hammering nails into his head, walking on broken glass, mind reading plus lots more.Nicholas talks about some of the different street performers and buskers around Melbourne.
Sponsors:Bung Pai Thai Massage: https://www.facebook.com/BungPaiThaiMassage/
Proactive Self Defence:
Ray White - Mill Parkhttps://raywhitemillpark.com.au
For more information about the podcast and what is coming up check out the Facebook page:
email: adroach1@hotmail.com

Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Episode #14 Tanya Jordan - Mental Health Worker
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
In this episode I talk to Tanya Jordan who is a mental health social worker and has her own business called T & J Assessment and Counselling Services.Tanya informs us of what her business does with helping the veterans, people involved in the criminal justice or being charged with criminal offences and lots more.We also go into how people deal with the loss of a family member or a pet and how Tanya can help them.
Bung Pai Thai Massage: https://www.facebook.com/BungPaiThaiMassage/
Proactive Self Defence:
Ray White - Mill Park
For more information about the podcast and what is coming up check out the Facebook page:
email: adroach1@hotmail.com

Friday Nov 16, 2018
Episode #13 Michael Goodison from 12RND fitness
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Friday Nov 16, 2018
In this episode I talk to Michael Goodison from 12RND fitness in Mill Park.Michael lets us know what people can expect from 12RND and how to get the best out of the classes. He also tells us how he got into personal training and competing in Muay Thai in Thailand. Michael is also an author and has a great book out called “Muay Thai, Peace at last” which we talk about and his book writing.
Bung Pai Thai Massage: https://www.facebook.com/BungPaiThaiMassage/
Proactive Self Defence:
Ray White - Mill Parkhttps://raywhitemillpark.com.au
For more information about the podcast and what is coming up check out the Facebook page:
email: adroach1@hotmail.com

Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Episode #12 Cassandra and Kate from the weight loss program
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
In this episode I talk to Cassandra and Kate from the “3754 weight loss your way support group” and “The mums of mernda surroundings”.They both give some great advice for anyone wanting to lose weight or just be healthy. Kate shares some stories that she personally went through to make her the PT she is today.For any mothers, or fathers, struggling out there to raise their children, Cassandra and Kate also give some great advice for you as well.
Bung Pai Thai Massage: https://www.facebook.com/BungPaiThaiMassage/
Proactive Self Defence:
Ray White: Mill Park
For more information about the podcast and what is coming up check out the Facebook page:
email: adroach1@hotmail.com

Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Episode #11 Jack Chan from the Mill Park Library
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
In this episode I talk to Jack Chan from the Mill Park library to share his stories about everything to do with the northern suburbs including historical ghost tours, crime tours and general historical tours that he organises dating back to the 1800’s. Jack tells us about a book he is involved in called “Whittlsea’s Dark Past” which sounds very interesting. He also tells us about all the different events that are held at the libraries around the northern suburbs. There really is something for everyone.They also have some great things coming up in the near future including virtual reality headsets, and the media conversion station.
Facebook Page:
Here is the link to my interview in the Northern Star Weekly:
Bung Pai Thai Massage:
Proactive Self Defence:
Ray White-Mill Park:
For more information about the podcast and what is coming up check out the Facebook page:
email: adroach1@hotmail.com

Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Episode #10 Shannon Johnson from the Bicycle Centre in South Morang
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
In this episode I talk to Shannon Johnson from the Bicycle Centre in South Morang.Shannon tells us how he first got the Bicycle business after winning national championships in Australia and world wide.He talks about the e-bikes plus all the different types of products available at the shop. Shannon also informs us on the best age to get kids into bike riding and all the different paths you take without having to worry about cars that are bike friendly.
Links to my other podcast "Become A Guitarist Today"
Bung Pai Thai Massage: https://www.facebook.com/BungPaiThaiMassage/
Proactive Self Defence:
For more information about the podcast and what is coming up check out the Facebook page:
email: adroach1@hotmail.com

Saturday Oct 27, 2018
Episode #9 Amy Bajada from Management Solutions By Design
Saturday Oct 27, 2018
Saturday Oct 27, 2018
In this episode I talk to Amy Bajada from Management Solutions By Design.Amy is a business coach and a consultant who offers help for people starting out in small businesses. Amy also holds workshops with guest speakers every fortnight called the “Business Boardroom”.
Bung Pai Thai Massage: https://www.facebook.com/BungPaiThaiMassage/
Proactive Self Defence:
For more information about the podcast and what is coming up check out the Facebook page:
email: adroach1@hotmail.com

Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Episode #8 Grant Hogan and Robyn Lee from Gamers In Mernda
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
In this episode I talk to Grant Hogan and Robyn Lee from Gamers in Mernda and Surrounds Group who host regular board gaming meets. They go into the difference table top games and board games and how it really is a fun night or day out for people wanting to get away from the television and technology.We also talk about the game Fortnite for all those Fortnite fans!
Sponsors:Bung Pai Thai Massage: https://www.facebook.com/BungPaiThaiMassage/
Proactive Self Defence:
For more information about the podcast and what is coming up check out the Facebook page:
email: adroach1@hotmail.com